Some poetry. Some prose. All heart.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


Of all the errors I have made
The ones that are worst to me
Are those that raise doubt,
Giving room to flout,
Of my humanity.

These chimeras tend to linger
In the calm meadows of my mind,
And keep me awake
Until daybreak
When my confidence has resigned.

Friday, November 13, 2020

The Prize

My daughter cartwheels under the sunset sky,
Each flip squeezes my newborn heart.
I wonder, as she learns to fly,
Will I adequately supply
The foundation to give her a running start?

My daughter's smile is like a wild rose,
Captivating anyone with honest eyes.
I wonder, as she endlessly grows,
The mother that she currently knows,
Will she become, as much, her prize?


Found this piece perusing old emails from my last corporate job.
Written back in 2005.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Natural Choices

Sometimes, unexpected winds of change
Uproot everything in your path
And force you down to your hands and knees.

You can stay low and still,
Surrender to your altered surroundings,
And hate the universe for cursing you.


You can rise up from the ground,
Dust yourself off, adjust your goals,
And persevere in your new world.

The choice is yours.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Rebirth, a Haiku

From the bright embers
Of life's pain and misery,
Your strength will arise.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Misery & Loneliness

The distance between you and people you love
Has nothing to do with being
Physically apart.

It has everything to do with
How much unconditional love you give
And how much you forgive.

The more free love you give
The closer they feel,
Even when they're thousands of miles away.

The more you feed your anger inside,
Or hold on to grudges,
Or find something to hate...

It doesn't matter how many people
Are within arm's reach,
You will always feel alone.